
Chopper Gun – Graco RS Gun

Graco fiberglass chop equipment is designed with a catalyst delivery process that provides better ratio control and improves the quality of your end products while minimising material waste. The design eliminates the need for a surge bottle while a low amount of solvent and resin is needed to prime the pump, so material costs are kept low. With Graco fiberglass chopper spray systems in place, you’ll have confidence in product quality and material efficiency.

The Graco RS Fibreglass Chopper Gun features:

  • Easy-to-change blade cartridges keep production moving
  • High output cutter provides the output you need with fewer strands of roving
  • Less roving means less tangling, more uptime
  • External adjustable anvil tension – no disassembly, no tools required
  • Speed control lets you adjust glass output on the fly

We supply, service and maintain all Graco/ Glascraft Chopper Guns.  You can view our range of guns here (Graco website):

Pricing on this product individual as you can tailor it to suit your purposes.  Call our Equipment Engineer, Owen on 0800 100 098 to talk about your requirements.